Artist Joan Mitchell leaning on a stool in front of 2 large paintings

Joan Mitchell in her Vétheuil studio, 1983. Photograph by Robert Freson, Joan Mitchell Foundation Archives. © Joan Mitchell Foundation.

We cultivate the study and appreciation of Joan Mitchell’s life and work while providing resources for visual artists.

About the Foundation

A grid of 15 portraits of artists of varying age, style, appearance and skin tone.
2024 Joan Mitchell Fellows, shown alphabetically by last name.

NEWS from The Foundation

Announcing the 2024 Joan Mitchell Fellows

We are pleased to announce the 2024 recipients of Joan Mitchell Fellowships! These 15 artists from across the United States will each receive $60,000 in unrestricted funds, distributed over five years. The multi-year financial support is interwoven with regular opportunities for skills development, peer exchange, and network building—all critical resources that artists need to sustain their practices.

Our Vision

The Foundation supports research, scholarship, and exhibitions to ensure Joan Mitchell is widely recognized as a significant artist.

The Foundation’s grants, residencies, and related initiatives recognize artistic excellence and elevate a wide range of visual artists and practices. We work to actively expand the visual arts to better reflect the diverse world in which we live.

The Foundation serves as an evolving example and resource for how an artist’s generosity can impact future generations of artists.