James Flynn

New Orleans, Louisiana

Artworks shown are selected from works submitted by the artist in their grant or residency application. All works are copyright of the artist or artist’s estate.

About James Flynn

James Flynn stands in front of a patterned painting bathed in pink light. He is a white man with light skin tone, short brown hair, wearing a plaid button up shirt.

James Flynn is a native New Orleans artist. Although he has always painted, he pursued the life of a mariner. Sailing to Brazil and Africa, James studied Spherical Trigonometry and acquired his knowledge of Terrestrial and Celestial Navigation. Shipping on foreign flag ships allowed him great cultural exposure, interacting with multinational crew members. This contributed greatly to his aesthetic and precision technique. For 23 years, he produced art from his printmaking studio in Pilottown, LA. Hurricane Katrina destroyed his studio and his life’s work. In 2006, Flynn sustained a life-changing injury which forced him to leave the maritime industry. Fallout from the injury forced him to radically change the way he created and produced art. Flynn’s paintings are experiments in Opto-kineticism, Pareidolia, and Chromoluminarism. Through the sale of his paintings, Flynn supports his humanitarian relief efforts working with missionaries in the notorious favela of Jardim Angela in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Program Participation

Joan Mitchell Center Residency, 2024

Website / Social Links

I created my art utilizing traditional painting and printmaking techniques until a life-changing injury caused my loss of ability to draw and paint. The injury altered the way I physically created and cognitively perceived art, forcing me to develop alternative techniques to continue creating art. This resulted in my exploration into Pareidolia, Chromoluminarism, and Opto-kineticism. Being as my perception is challenged, I intend my art to challenge the perception of the viewer, and call into question how we perceive art.”