Katya Vaz

New Orleans, Louisiana

Artworks shown are selected from works submitted by the artist in their grant or residency application. All works are copyright of the artist or artist’s estate.

About Katya Vaz

Katya Vaz gazes down in a black and white photo. She is a Russian-American white woman with light skin tone, and long blond hair with short bangs, and a septum piercing.

Katya Vaz grew up between New Orleans, Louisiana, and Moscow, Russia. This blend of cultures has had a strong influence on the content of her work. Vaz’s work primarily focuses on pairing printmaking techniques with other disciplines, such as bookbinding. She is drawn to these methods because of the focus on multiples within these practices. This speaks further to the creation of communal knowledge, which strengthens community ties through the formation of a shared experience. Through this proliferation, the shared experience can be formed among those who see the work in various settings. This is a similar effect to being exposed to cultural traditions, which create a shared group experience due to language, associations, media, or food preparation across the world.

Program Participation

Joan Mitchell Center Residency, 2024

Website / Social Links

In my practice, I combine digital and printed materials, working with photographs I've taken in observations from walking around either New Orleans or Moscow and its surrounding cities. I create physical works out of them, reflecting on both of these locales. My work gravitates toward the act of communication and different manifestations of physical and symbolic dichotomy.”