Preservation of Monument: Ultimate Trace
Denver, Colorado
Derrick Velasquez was born in 1982 in Lodi, California. After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Studio Arts and Art History at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Velasquez received an MFA from The Ohio State University. He has had solo exhibitions at The Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver; Herron School of Art and Design, Indianapolis; Black Cube Nomadic Museum, Denver; Volta Art Fair, New York City; and group exhibitions at the Pearlstein Gallery, Drexel University, Philadelphia; The New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe; among other venues. Velasquez has been an Affiliate Instructor at Metropolitan State University in Denver since 2010. He is the founding director and curator of Yes Ma’am Projects. Velasquez is represented by Pentimenti Gallery, in Philadelphia, and Robischon Gallery, in Denver, where he lives and works.
Painters & Sculptors Grant, 2017
My work critiques the social, political, and economic forces affecting our everyday psychological experience within a city by looking at the physical spaces we occupy. I use and manipulate common construction materials and architectural crown molding to parody historical bourgeois aesthetics and challenge high brow modern architecture, art, and design.”