Emily Gherard

Seattle, Washington

Artworks shown are selected from works submitted by the artist in their grant or residency application. All works are copyright of the artist or artist’s estate.

About Emily Gherard

Emily Gherard is best known for her process-based work built from the accumulation of repetitive marks. Gherard received her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and an MFA from the University of Washington. Selected exhibition locations include The Museum of Northwest Art, Whatcom Museum, The Henry Art Gallery, J. Rinehart Gallery, and Francine Seders Gallery. Her work can be found in numerous collections, such as the Walton Family Foundation and Swedish Medical Center. She received the 2006 PONCHO Special Recognition Award and the 2014 GAP Grant.

Program Participation

Joan Mitchell Fellowship, 2021

Website / Social Links

In my plasterwork, there is a contrast between the pristine surface and the rough interior framework. I consider how the viewer’s body experiences the work while standing in front of it. The marked surface draws one closer with its quiet value range and delicate lines. The pieces appear sturdy, but slope downward, sinking and eroding. I want the viewer to unconsciously feel a sense of unease from this instability.”