Emily Holt

Nashville, Tennessee

Artworks shown are selected from works submitted by the artist in their grant or residency application. All works are copyright of the artist or artist’s estate.

About Emily Holt

Emily Holt smiles in front of greenery. She is a white woman with light skin tone, and shoulder-length dark blonde wavy hair.

Emily Holt is a mixed media artist and art educator based in Nashville, TN. She earned her BFA from Middle Tennessee State University and her MFA from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She was awarded the Joan Mitchell Foundation MFA Grant in 2001. She is a maker of all kinds, but primarily focuses on sculpture, painting, drawing, collage, book art, and puppetry. Emily draws inspiration from her environment, whether it is observing the natural world, working with her playful middle school students, or noticing the changes to her city.

Program Participation

MFA Grant, 2001

Joan Mitchell Center Residency, 2024

Website / Social Links

I am inspired by surfaces that already have information on them, like wood scraps and painting drop cloths, and I often search out those materials. The recurrent themes in my work are monstrous creatures that can be both playful and grotesque. At first glance these creatures are colorful and friendly, but upon closer inspection one can find that their bodies contain rusty nails and broken glass.”