Jim Grace
Jim Grace is the Executive Director of the Arts & Business Council. Previously he was the Executive Director of the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts of Massachusetts (VLA) from 1998 until 2008, when it merged with the A&BC.
In 2015, Joan Mitchell Foundation and Arts & Business Council of Greater Boston partnered to create the Estate Planning Workbook for Visual Artists. This workbook serves as a guide to understanding the components and the need for the basic elements of an estate plan, as well as addressing artist-specific concerns, issues, and opportunities relating to both their physical artwork and their intellectual property.
The workbook includes information on many elements key to estate planning including:
This workbook was produced in conjunction with the Foundation’s Creating a Living Legacy (CALL) initiative, which provides resources and tools for artists in the areas of studio organization, documentation, and the inventorying of artworks.
Estate Planning for Visual Artists
Jim Grace
Megan Low
Joan Mitchell Foundation / Arts & Business Council of Greater Boston
Estate Planning
Estate planning is an essential process both for the future and for your current artistic practice. Consider for a moment: if you had passed away last week, would your loved ones have known what to do with your artwork? Your equipment? Your studio? Come to think of it, do you know what you would want done? Estate planning provides an opportunity to think seriously about the future, for yourself, your loved ones, and your legacy.”