Now Available: 4k Restoration of Marion Cajori's Film "Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter"
This elegantly edited film from 1992 weaves together interviews with Mitchell an...
Joan Mitchell was born in Chicago, Illinois on February 12, 1925. To celebrate her birthday, we've added six digitized Joan Mitchell sketchbooks to our website in their entirety, allowing you to click through each page spread to see Mitchell's creative process unfold.
Alongside her painting practice, Mitchell worked in sketchbooks throughout her career, from her student days in the 1940s until her death in 1992. She used a variety of mediums in her sketchbooks, including graphite, wax crayon, colored pencil, pen and ink, and watercolor.
Select page spreads are included from each of the six sketchbooks below, and all sketchbooks can be viewed in the Artwork directory.