Ryan Leitner

New Orleans, Louisiana

Artworks shown are selected from works submitted by the artist in their grant or residency application. All works are copyright of the artist or artist’s estate.

About Ryan Leitner

Ryan Leitner sits in front of a pinned-up canvas, wearing a black t-shirt. He is a white man with light skin tone, and short cropped black hair.

Ryan Leitner is a collage artist, with an artistic inquiry towards the visualization of queerness and his communities’ cultural heritages. Assembling his works through a layering of painting and photographed sculptures, his two-dimensional pieces on canvas create otherworldly body-scapes and atmospheres that are molded and stacked together through photo manipulation and print transferring. Since receiving his MFA from The Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University, Leitner has studied at Skowhegan School for Painting and Photography, and received grants and fellowships from the The LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana, Antenna’s Platform Fund, and The Museum of Fine Arts. He has exhibited at The Plumbing Museum, Area Gallery, and Magnum Photo Foundation, and The Front Gallery.

Program Participation

Joan Mitchell Center Residency, 2024

Website / Social Links

Drawing inspiration from my queer activism and research, I look towards the queer experience as if our communities were given another realm to live in, with the ability to see and experience the world in our own way. Collecting interviews, archival materials, and experiences along the way, my studio practice becomes a daydream of a queer life that’s imagined and historicized.”